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Share 360 Sponsorship Program

The goal of "Share 360" is to provide the most important investment in a child's life.  The most important support you can give is the continous monthly support that helps provide the daily necessities of, clothing, shelter, health care, educational expenses, etc.   

Nothing is more foundational than the loving care given these children, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  This is accomplished by praying for all the needs of your sponsored child and committing to give $1 a day ($30/month, or $360/year) to make a difference in a child's future.

Will you make the commitment to become a

Share 360 Partner?

YES!  I would like to become a "Share 360 Partner".  You can count on my monthly/annual financial support.  Please send me sponsorship information on the child with whom I am sharing support and with whom I will pray for daily.
Other "Sharing" Opportunities

Thanks for submitting!

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